"Running is exposing to hot temperature, cold, thirst, hunger, tiredness, pain, is exercising the right and the duty to live in the fullest and deepest way. To live in a brave way. By running we lose our social role, with all its theory of obligations and rituals, to rediscover belonging to the animal kingdom. And it is not really a thing of little value to remember - indeed, to try on one's own body - that we are also and above all something else, essentially other, than the caring companion, the sympathetic parent, the exemplary worker, the informed consumer who every day we show that we are."

Runningsofia Filosofia della corsa di Claudio Bagnasco with foreword by Fulvio Massini by Fulvio Massini Sports Consultants has just gone into reprint for the publishing house il menalogo, puts everyone on the same level and reveals the various psychological motivations that lead people to approach this beautiful discipline, between sports and the tireless need to stop anymore. The book also highlights the many benefits of "racing". Run, when, how much, why and how you want... do it for you! We recommend this very pleasant and stimulating reading to all those who would like to try to run to feel good, but also to those who already practice this discipline..
This book is into italian lenguage, hope to see this in eglish version too.
Claudio Bagnasco is a Ligurian writer of narrative, moved to Sardinia, precisely to Tortolì, where he lives with his family.
Very active on various fronts, he is a great lover of running, he is the founder of the Italian portal of Bed&Runfast first Italian booking portal accommodation facilities dedicated to runners on the go, among these facilities is the b&b Agata e gli altri that Claudio manages in Tortolì.