

TwelveChallenge Riccardo Bianchi

Riccardo Bianchi is a young banker who runs for Passion. He recently started his 'TwelveChallange' Project to participate to 12 Big Marathons around the world. Its goal is to raise awareness of the Sport Discipline but more generally to live a healthy life, balanced and a physical activie life, of course without forget important things such as work and especially the Family.

correre le 12 maratone più importanti in beneficenza

Another important detail of the project is the collaboration with ADMO Roma Associazione Donatori Midollo Osseo, All the Revenue from the Collaborations is donated to Charity to that association.

A beautiful project... with a great Mission!
Follow all updates also on the

instagram: riccardo12challenge

facebook: TwelveChallenge

In Collaboration with ADMO Roma Polar

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