Lava Sportswear Brand Manifesto




- Our Mantra


"You don't have to be a champion to play sports”


We are invaded daily by product advertisements, which are shown to us through the image of champions and stars, this does not represent us.


Our idea is that we should and all can play sports for the sole purpose of being well and always healthy.


Sport must represent everyone and it must be for everyone.


Play sports for yourself, at your own pace, with your available time, when and where you want.  


Competition is only with yourself.


Even if your idea is never to become a champion, always use high-performance and quality products, they will help you overcome your limits!


- A new brand, a new feeling   


The web is full of brands, however if you have come to read Our Manifesto it is because you are a curious person and curious people like you are the ones who want to live their lives with awareness and not within established patterns and habits.


We do what we do because we love what we do.


- We love sports and outdoor activities


We are as passionate about the sport as you are. As sportsmen and women we are the same ones who suffer to achieve a new goal, you know what I mean! For us Sport represents Happiness and Life.


- Our production


Small gestures, choices and decisions mean that we can all live in a better world. Buying Lava Sportswear products means buying with the knowledge that you feel part of "something" that you will want to breathe and wear during your days.


Independent brands have more control over production. It will be our commitment, even in the future, to always select producers who respect the environment and who do not exploit the labour of their workers. We want to offer you Stylish and Quality products for your workouts, adventures, travel and leisure.



- Our community


Our community is made up of people like you who love sports and outdoor activities.


You are part of it who loves to travel, you who love to meet new people with whom to compare and share an experience, there are you who do not love to approve and who love to represent your individuality.



- Escape the Routine


If you are also one who daily escapes from the routine, tag us during your workouts, your trips, your meetings between friends or when you find yourself silent in the middle of nowhere.




Thank you for reading our manifesto, feel free to get in touch with us to ask us any questions about our point of view.


Escape the Routine!


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